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35+years experience
35+years experience
35+years experience
35+years experience

Ian Goldney

Principal Engineer – Vehicle Dynamics

Ian is a Mechanical Engineer with over 38 years of experience in the railway industry, specialising in the area of railway vehicle dynamics and simulation of the dynamic performance using the software VampirePro™. He has extensive knowledge of railway vehicle bogie and suspension systems and their performance which covers areas such as safety against derailment, stability (i.e. resistance to hunting), ride, curving performance, gauging (outlines), track forces and wheel-rail interaction.

portrait of Ian Goldney
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Rolling stock experience

Ian’s experience includes assessment of new rail vehicle designs against standards requirements, modifications to improve performance and technical investigations such as component failures or derailments, and it covers all types of rolling stock including locomotives, passenger rolling stock, freight wagons, infrastructure maintenance machines and light rail.

Ian has experience of the Australian, New Zealand and UK rail industry. and he has been involved in development of a number of rail standards in Australia, including AS7507 (Rolling Stock Outlines), AS7508 (Rolling Stock Track Forces and Stresses), AS7509 (Rolling Stock Dynamic Behaviour) and AS7518 (Rolling Stock Suspension).

Technical experience

Ian has led and delivered many technical engineering projects, including:

  • Bogie and suspension design reviews;
  • Rolling stock compliance and verification to dynamic performance requirements;
  • Derailment investigations;
  • Bogie and suspension modification studies for improved performance and their implementation;
  • Investigation of dynamics performance problems such as poor ride, curving performance, wheel wear or component failure.

Key skills

  • Railway Vehicle Dynamics
  • Bogies and Suspensions
  • Wheel-Rail Interaction
  • Dynamics Simulations
  • Technical Investigations
  • Rolling Stock Standards


  • FIEngAust
  • BSc (Hons)
  • CPEng
  • RPEQ
  • NPER


Mechanical Engineer

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