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5+years experience
5+years experience
5+years experience
5+years experience

Bill Pyke

Engineering Consultant

Bill holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. He is a confident and diligent engineer who is conscious of the requirements to achieve successful engineering outcomes.

Whilst at Rail Confidence, Bill has gained considerable experience delivering technical documentation, assessing the requirements for rollingstock interface compliance and undertaking engineering verifications.

Bill has well established technical writing capabilities having developed design and testing specifications, technical reports and maintenance documentation. He shows great aptitude for gathering, collating and presenting relevant information.

Portrait of Bill Pyke
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Rolling stock experience

In recent projects with Rail Confidence, Bill has been involved in preparing test specifications and work instructions.

He has also been involved in a detailed study regarding side bearers and centreplate liners and the affects the selection of these components can have on bogie performance.

His efforts in these projects and his participation in a variety of rolling stock interface compliance and verification projects has assisted him in becoming experienced with rolling stock structures and systems.

Mechanical project experience

Bill has proven experience applying his mechanical engineering skills to rolling stock applications. At Rail Confidence, Bill has undertaken engineering assessments for modified passenger handrail designs to determine their structural integrity and their suitability to the current handrail system. He has also undertaken a structural analysis of modifications to a vehicles underframe geometry in order to achieve compliance with rollingstock outlines throughout Australia. Furthermore he has been integral during the installation of the communications systems in the Sydney Metro City and Southwest Tunnel as a project engineer where he has gained extensive commercial and project management experience.

Key skills

  • Technical authoring
  • Project management
  • Data evaluation
  • Leadership 
  • Structural analysis


  • BE (Mech)


Mechanical Engineer

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