40+years experience
40+years experience
40+years experience
40+years experience
Arthur Napper
Principal Mechanical Engineer
Arthur’s 40+ year professional engineering career has been primarily with Queensland Rail and its privatised freight railway offshoot, Aurizon, in the rolling stock engineering teams. He is widely experienced in the rolling stock realm, leading teams responsible for
- wagon design and delivery,
- delivery of new and in-service modifications for passenger rolling stock,
- specialist engineering for brake systems, rolling stock dynamics and rolling stock structures.

Technical experience
Due to his wide range of engineering capabilities Arthur has been called upon to:
- Ensure rolling stock effectively complies with relevant safety requirements both as new rolling stock and for operation in degraded situations (e.g. derailment recovery).
- Assess rollingstock design complies with the relevant provisions of legislation and regulations while perusing best practice as well as cost effective design.
- Participate in investigations of in-service incidents, equipment failures and derailments.
- Develop strategies to ensure engineering shortcomings that materialise in-service do not deteriorate the safe operation of rolling stock while minimising the operational impact of such occurrences.
Most recently Arthur has been involved with Independent Design Certification as the team lead for the Queensland Rail -New Generation Rollingstock-Disable Persons Access Upgrade. He focused on:
- Rollingstock Structural details
- Vehicle dynamic performance implications
- Interior physical features
Key skills
- Rolling stock Engineering technical advice & support
- Design Verification
- Independent Competent Person
- Rolling stock compliance
- Tank Wagons
- ΒΕ (Mech)
- CPEng
Mechanical Engineer
Arthur worked on:
- Queensland Rail New Generation Rolling stock
- Feasibility investigations of diesel tank wagons across Australia
- Review and Optimisation of Schedules Maintenance Practices for Pacific National