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200years combined experience
400+vehicles registered
550projects and counting
15+national & global
rolling stock experts
200years combined experience
400+vehicles registered
550projects and counting
15+national & global
rolling stock experts

Rail & Rolling Stock Expertise

We are an independent engineering consultancy that provides specialist services to the rail industry. Our core business is rolling stock, delivering mechanical and structural advice surrounding these vehicles.

From verification and certification to procurement and investigatory work, our team of project managers, consultants, engineers and technical specialists use an end-to-end project management approach that gives our clients confidence and peace-of-mind in their operations.

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Rolling stock engineering

We specialise in the design, maintenance, and optimization of rolling stock, ensuring safety, efficiency, and compliance with industry standards.

Our expert team leverages state-of-the-art technology, software and deep experience to deliver innovative solutions tailored to your specific needs

What is rolling stock engineering?

Rolling stock refers to any vehicle utilised on a railway system, including trains, metro cars, trams and RRVs. Designing rolling stock is a complex process that demands a blend of technical and innovative and user-focused skills to meet current and future demands of operators and passengers.

Design verification

We perform thorough design verifications for all types of rolling stock including road rail vehicles (RRVs).

This critical process ensures that the design of rolling stock components, systems, and overall configurations meet the industry standards for safety, integrity, and compliance. 

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Vehicle certification

At Rail Confidence, we possess a deep understanding of the complex web of regulations and standards governing rolling stock certification.

This includes regional, national, and international requirements, ensuring that your vehicles meet all applicable criteria to safely interface with any network.

A smooth certification process

Through continuous collaboration with Regulatory Authorities, we are able to facilitate a smooth and efficient certification process whilst upholding the requirements stipulated in AS7501.

Vehicle procurement

Rail Confidence can support every stage of the vehicle procurement process including evaluate bids from manufacturers and suppliers to ensure they meet your technical, regulatory, and budgetary requirements.

We also offer our expertise in contract negotiation, ensuring that the terms and conditions are favourable and aligned with your project goals.

Sydney passenger train


In addition to our engineering and certification services, we delve deep into the intricacies of rolling stock, including vehicle dynamics, wheel rail interactions, performance optimisation and investigations.

We conduct forensic and derailment investigations, act as expert witnesses in legal proceedings, as well as provide vehicle dynamic simulations using Vampire Pro™ modelling software.

Advanced simulation software

We utilise the advanced vehicle dynamics modelling software Vampire Pro™ to simulate vehicle behaviour according to track and suspension inputs. This aids in the investigation process and provides valuable insights for design modification and permutations. 

Structural analysis

Our engineers deliver precise insights into the integrity of designs, ensuring safety and performance, while reducing costly structural issues.

We have a proven understanding of rail vehicle structures and their expected behaviours when in service.

Example of FEA output

Due diligence

Let Rail Confidence help you gain a competitive edge in your rolling stock investments with our specialised due diligence and commercial valuation services.

Our meticulous research and analysis provide valuable insights, minimising risks and maximising the potential of your investments.